WildTale Re-Opening with Care

WildTale in Yaletown is happy to be open again for Dine-in service.


We’ve been working hard to to get our protocols in place to open for safe dine-in service beginning Thursday June 19 at the Yaletown location of WildTale.
Our hours will be daily from 3pm till late, Wednesday to Sunday. We are excited to welcome back our guests and serve up some delicious choices from our menu offerings!

WorkSafe BC and the Government of BC’s Restart Plan have been invaluable resources in helping us set guidelines in our return to business. Our number one goal will always continue to be the health and safety of our guests and our staff. With that in mind we’ve put a number of protocols in place to accomplish this and reinforce the trust we have always enjoyed from our guests.


We are following closely the WorkSafe BC guidelines and 4 steps to Reduce the Risk of Person-to-Person transmission and implementing their recommendations in preparation for regular inspections by their officers. Some of the many items that we are paying close attention to include the following:

  • installation of plexiglass barriers along the length of the bar
  • reducing the amount of seating to 50% capacity and ensuring a minimum of 2 meters distance between all tables and from chair back to chair back
  • enhanced cleaning protocols that see each table or bar seat sanitized between guests
  • single use, disposable menus
  • hand sanitizing stations placed at multiple locations around the room for both guests and staff (we encourage you to use them on arrival and as often as possible.
  • ample signage reminding both guests and staff of proper safe distancing and hand washing procedures.
  • regularly scheduled cleaning and sanitization of high touch surfaces and washrooms.
  • limited staffing, both in the kitchen and front of house comprised of teams that are always paired together to minimize cross over and increasing the bubble too much.
  • restriction of zones – only one bartender behind the bar, servers only their designated sections, small kitchen teams that stick to their assisted stations with ample distancing room between them.
  • Daily visitor and staff logs (this includes any potential interviews) – this includes mandatory tempature and health checks for all staff
  • Staff required to perform thorough hand-washing every thirty minutes.
  • Kitchen staff required to wear hats and/or hairnets.
  • uniforms left onsite and laundered after each shift by the restaurant.
  • Contact tracing for all guests, by asking one person in the party to share contact information in the possible event of a suspected exposure.

At this time, WorkSafe BC has advised us that masks are not required, but as the past few months have taught us all requirements are under constant review.

We hope to see many of you visit us again on your next opportunity and understand many of you may not be ready yet. We promise to work extremely hard to reinforce your trust in us so you’ll feel comfortable to dine out again.